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"Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee"

– Michel de Montaigne


ILAHU is a venture established to generate joy, opening the backcountry and backyard hills to new forms of play and exploration. Our boards are made mostly from natural materials and Nature is cherished in every act and design.

ILAHU was originally conceived by veteran surfer and carpenter Jan Leutola. The venture was codeveloped and founded with designer-maker Maxim Narbrough, based on their shared passion for crafting beautiful boards and enjoying the outdoors.

ILAHU shares the concern for the climate and has partnered with Protect Our Winters Finland, to work and encourage others towards a cooler and cleaner future.


Jan Leutola

Expert carpenter with a love of his craft, Jan has been skateboarding, surfing and snowboarding since he was a kid.

He originated the idea for ILAHU nearly two decades ago when he made his first downhill skateboards. Years of surfing the breaks of Cadiz left him with a hunger for adapting surfboard shapes to the frozen waves of Lapland.

Jan is a true shaper at heart.


Surf the snow
